Act Like Men 365

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Men, we are called to do BETTER.

We are guided and driven by 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 where Paul says, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."

 The mission of Act Like Men 365:

Become Better Men

Through the study of God's word, we learn the purpose of men and manhood. Through fellowship and mentorship, we practice Biblical manhood and are accountable to that design.

Build Better Families

Servant leadership begins in and grows from the home. Through self-discipline and consistency, we lead our families with love and grace to be what God intended. Providing for and protecting our families spiritually, financially, and physically.

Serve Our Neighbors

Reaching out and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Helping those who need help and being the beacon we are called to be. Feed those that are hungry, minor home repairs, yard work, and run errands for those that need a hand. Teaching young men life skills, providing support, and doing life together with our neighbors.

Set Higher Standards

We hold ourselves and those on this journey with us to a higher standard. We have an expectation of behavior and service. Consistency and discipline are the hallmarks of Manhood.

Guide Others

Be the example of manhood. Everyone can teach something. Use your knowledge and skills to teach others. Teach young men how to be self-reliant and successful. Give freely of what you know. 

Expect More

When we live in line with our calling and our design, we should expect victory. Victory through value, purpose, and fulfillment in ourselves, in our families, and in our communities!

Breaking down - 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

and what it means to Act Like Men.

Be Watchful

As men, we are expected to be aware of what is going on around us. Jesus said, “If the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matt. 15:14). Most men are asleep. We need to be attentive. We need to know the condition of our life, our family, and the world around us. We need to know what is going on in our wife’s life and kid’s lives. If you continue the road you are on, what will your marriage and family look like in five years? There are many passages in Scripture that tell us to be watchful. Run from anything that tries to rob you of your vision. Jesus gave sight to the blind! You need to see spiritually. Without vision people perish. Where are you going? Through the good times and bad, maintain your focus.

Stand Firm in the Faith

The second thing listed in 1 Corinthians 16:13 is to stand firm. Don’t ride a spiritual roller-coaster. High/low, up/down, on/off, hot/cold. Don’t waver or retreat. Specifically, Paul says to stand firm in the faith. Real men read the Word of God daily. We build our lives on the Word of God. There are ten doctrines in the Bible: Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Sin, Salvation, Church, Christian Life, Angels/ Demons, and End Times. We need to know what we believe about these things. Leaders take a stand.  We must have compassion and love for those we disagree with. Compassion is not compromise. We should show respect and love to everyone, but there are some basic truths on which we stand.

Act Like Men

The next phrase is “act like men.” Some translations say, “be courageous” or “be brave. What is a man? Doing what you say you will do and not making excuses. The word used in the original Greek means to behave like a man. The only place it’s found in the New Testament is here. As the context suggests, the idea has to do with courage and bravery. Manhood is about responsibility. Men are given a charge to lead, provide for, and protect women and children. Jesus came to this earth as a man. He grew in wisdom, stature, in favor with God and man. As a man, Jesus exemplifies and empowers us to walk in His steps, to live as He lived, to act like a man. Jesus is a man’s man.

Be Strong

Some men think that being a man means bench-pressing 300 pounds, dunking a basketball, or killing a bear with your bare hands. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says,“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Godly men admit their own weaknesses and are strong in the Spirit. Jesus does not just give us strength, He is our strength. We all have weaknesses. It is not a sin to be tempted. Sin is when you yield to temptation. We have to be strong. The devil knows what “Delilah” to send your way. Real men exercise self-control by being under the Spirit’s control.

Let all that you do be done in Love

Verse 14 says, “Let all that you do be done in love.” We need real men who are in love with Jesus, their wife, their kids, God’s Word, the church, and things of God. Men who are not angry, violent, crude, rude, or abusive. Tell your wife, son, daughter, you love them. Some men say, “The Bible, Jesus, and church is for women and children.” The Bible is for men. Jesus is the ultimate man. Jesus was compassionate and courageous in all that He did. Tough and tender. In 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, Paul says, “If I have not love I am nothing.” Without love, you would become militant.

The translation that gives us "act like men" comes from the Greek word andrizesthei. This word is built on a root that refers to adult males (aner). That means that there are at least two semantic oppositions here, not one—male as opposed to female and adult as opposed to child. So we know that there is a distinction for adult males to be set apart, to ACT LIKE MEN!